Aasimar An angel looks at the new recruit and asks "how did you get here". The new angel looks at him and says "oh you know... I flu". Don't worry that's as bad as it gets (hopefully) for today. The Aasimar are basically the weakest of the angels in this universe. With that being said that doesn't mean that aasimar are even remotely weak. It just means they don't roll the 4-9d6 die of holy damage with every hit. Race: Aasimar Stat Bonus: +2 Charisma/ +1 Consitution or +1 wisdom or +1 Strength Age: up to 160 year Size: Similar to humans Speed: 30ft Swag: Celestial Resistance: Resistance to Necrotic/ Radiant damage Healing Hands: You can heal a number of hit points equal to your level. You cannot use this again until you finish a long rest Light Bearer: You know the light cantrip and can cast it at ...