
Showing posts from January, 2018

Please let me know!

     I just wanted to add a quick statement as I realized that I have yet to say it. I absolutely suck at drawing and I have no skill at any form of art. I use a lot of images from other artists that I would to support and give shout outs too and help draw attention to. however, the internet is a cruel place and I cant find out who the artist is as it gets posted at random and I struggle making out the signatures and watermarks a lot of the time. If at any point you know the source please do let me know and ill edit any of the posts with the information to find the artist and hopefully details on how to follow the talented individuals. I am just a nerd trying to pass on the bug, I make no money from this and don't ever plan on it.  it would be cool if I could start a freelance DM business that you could hire me to run games for your friends for a modest fee. Regardless if you know any of the artists please let me know so I can tag them and follow them myse...

Not a Lizard!

   Dragonborns are an interesting folk. At some point in their past genealogy, there is dragon DNA. Read into that however you wish (I usually do). Naturally prideful and stubborn they also come in every color of the rainbow and breath multitudes of different very painful things from their mouth.     Which brings me to the confusing part about being a Dragonborn. You have to choose a color and whatever color you pick is your damage and resistance type. You can find a chart in the PHB (pg 34.) that has the correlating colors and element types. it's fairly self-explanatory red = fire, blue = lightning, White = ice, The other colors, however, get a little confusing and you can make up your own rules if you want but of course, they have every color already laid out for you. So besides starting fights and breathing on people why should you play as these scaly creatures? Let's bring it on down to the swag +2 Strength / +1 Charisma Age: 15-80 Walking sp...

Bugbear? More like Bugwear Amiright

    Do you crave people to recoil in terror as you pass by? Do you like walking into the room and counting how many weapons are immeadietly drawn? Do you have maybe a little too much of a crush on Emma Watson and you like pretending to be the beast? Well then a Bugbear is a great match for you.      Now why would you want to be a hideous monster that is known worldwide for stealing babies and terrorizing towns? I am not certain but for me I think it relies mostly on both comedic and roleplaying possibilities. But certainly check with the DM because their interpritation of how people would react to you would make or break your game. I have talked to a couple DM's that say you would be barred from entry in any town and attacked if your party didnt suceed persuasion checks. Which means if the DM isnt on board its probably not worth your time to try it out.     However I would have strong santctions against a monster PC but after being proven of g...