Bugbear? More like Bugwear Amiright
Do you crave people to recoil in terror as you pass by? Do you like walking into the room and counting how many weapons are immeadietly drawn? Do you have maybe a little too much of a crush on Emma Watson and you like pretending to be the beast? Well then a Bugbear is a great match for you.
Now why would you want to be a hideous monster that is known worldwide for stealing babies and terrorizing towns? I am not certain but for me I think it relies mostly on both comedic and roleplaying possibilities. But certainly check with the DM because their interpritation of how people would react to you would make or break your game. I have talked to a couple DM's that say you would be barred from entry in any town and attacked if your party didnt suceed persuasion checks. Which means if the DM isnt on board its probably not worth your time to try it out.
However I would have strong santctions against a monster PC but after being proven of good will they would be welcome almost every situation (which is a pretty strong promise for me). But for all intents and purposes you could win over every single person and township. Which brings me to why I love this idea, I want to play an incredibly charismatic bugbear as a bard and convince the world that bugbears are a very reasonable people and bring them onto the map of diplomacy.
Alright onto the SWAG
- +2 strength and +1 Dex
- Maturity 16-80 years
- You are a medium sized object 6-8 feet tall and 250-350 pounds
- Walking speed 30ft
- You know common and Goblin
- Long Limbed: You have a melee range of 5ft greater then normal
- Powerful build: You are considered a size larger when it comes to carrying capacity, Lifting and Pushing
- You're proficient in the stealth skill
- Surprise!: If you surprise the enemy and hit add 2d6 to the damage
Thats all you need to know about making a Bugbear PC. Feel free to continue reading my ramblings underneath.
I know what youre thinking, you meta gaming nerd! Yes obviously this race has a pretty clear objective, Speak softly and carry a large stick am I right Teddy Roosevelt. no no no no hell no, break the mold! be the change you wish to see. Which is to say my ideal bugbear is based off of Barack Obama. A crazy charismatic presence that just makes people like them and changes how people percive their lives. I also like the Idea of a pacifist Ghandi style monk that only acts in self defense and tries to avoid conflict.
Naturally the strategy part of me is currently crying at my suggestions. So I must state how gratifying it would be to use an overly large club or axe and just rip apart waves of enemies. Not to mention if you strike first you can do a potential additional 12 damage. Then you count as a larger sized creature for carrying, pushing and lifting. So if you dropped in on an enemy group you could murder an enemy and pick up another one and toss him off a cliff. Or just go barbarian and go full hulk whenever you want.
Thank you so much for reading, Keep it dicey my friends
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